46 pages • 1 hour read
Dave EggersA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The narrative returns to Tuesday, September 6, when armed men barge into the Claiborne house. The men appear to be law enforcement, though Zeitoun is unsure as their uniforms appear mismatched. After asking Zeitoun who he is and having him hand over his identification, the officers arrest Zeitoun and everyone else, including Todd, who arrives just as they are being put onto a large fan boat. Zeitoun initially thinks that they are being forcibly evacuated, as they were supposed to have left the city some time before, so he isn’t too worried. He’s sure that everything will be straightened out in shortly.
When the men are treated roughly and shipped off to a makeshift station, Zeitoun begins to wonder if there hasn’t been some mistake. He hears a few soldiers refer to them as Taliban and Al Qaeda, and though he wants to dismiss what he’s heard, things don’t seem to be going well for any of them. He’s always dreaded this day, the day he’d have problems with the law as a result of his race and religion. When the officers question the men, they find $10,000 in Nasser’s duffel bag, which Zeitoun didn’t even know about. Todd also has a large sum of money—$2,400—on him, as well as map printouts and a memory card for a digital camera. Nothing about the situation seems right, and without being read his rights or told what he’s being charged with, Zeitoun is strip-searched. The officers also check his rectum for contraband. When Zeitoun is brought to the back of the station, where he briefly thinks they will be evacuated again, he is shocked to see a makeshift prison, where he and the other men are kept in cages similar to those at Guantanamo Bay.
All four men are eventually placed in the same cell in the outdoor prison. The guard warns them about touching the fence. As the cell has no furniture, they must squat on the dirty cement floor. They’re served meals that contain pork, which Nasser and Zeitoun can’t eat. Zeitoun has a sharp pain in his foot, and needs a doctor, but his pleas are ignored. He asks if he can make a phone call, but is told that the phones don’t work.
As Wednesday dawns, Zeitoun feels hopeful again, things would get back to normal soon, he thinks, which meant that help would arrive. As the day unfolds, busloads of prisoners are brought to Camp Greyhound, filling most of the cells. Zeitoun witnesses a prisoner being bribed to talk to a Spanish newscaster. Zeitoun is enraged as the camera sweeps over him, but then he thinks that someone might see him, perhaps his family in Spain or Syria. The thought, however, shames him. He doesn’t want his family to see him like this, caged like an animal.
A new prisoner is placed in the cell with Zeitoun and his friends. His name is Jerry, and he seems good-natured and talkative. He tells them he was caught siphoning gas. However, Jerry soon begins speaking out against President Bush and saying other controversial things. Though Todd talks with him, Zeitoun and Nasser—who suspect that Jerry is a spy—stay quiet. A mentally disabled man in a nearby cell touches the fence repeatedly and is taken, covered head to toe with pepper spray, and then put back in his cell.
Zeitoun watches as other prisoners are pepper-sprayed, noting that the guards are trying to break the prisoners. He begins to feel immensely sad for Kathy, wondering why he hadn’t listened to her and left the city earlier, when he had a chance.
Though Zeitoun manages to doze off, he awakes on Thursday to screams and shouts—more prisoners are being pepper-sprayed. The pain in his foot has increased, and he can barely stand on it. His cellmates try to help him as best they can. When they receive breakfast, Zeitoun takes the Tabasco bottle and breaks it, then uses the sharpest piece to cut into his toe and remove the piece of metal inside. Feeling better instantly, he wraps his foot in napkins. Jerry continues to goad the men, asking questions. At night, when Zeitoun tries to sleep, he feels a sharp pain in his side.
On September 9, Zeitoun and his cellmates are told that they’re being transferred, and with about 50 others, are handcuffed and placed on an old bus. They learn they are being taken to the Elayn Hunt Correctional Center, a maximum-security prison. Zeitoun and Nasser are separated from the others, which reinforces Zeitoun’s suspicions that the Syrians are being singled out. However, he continues to maintain hope that he’ll be allowed to make a phone call. One phone call would end all of his problems, he knows. Kathy would make sure he got out if only he could call her. The pain in his side is getting worse.
The pain in Zeitoun’s side is growing worse, and he and Nasser are still unable to eat the food served because it contains pork. A guard accuses them of being in a relationship, which enrages Zeitoun. Four African-American men are brought to their cell on Sunday, and they learn that they were all arrested for looting, in similar situations to Zeitoun. Zeitoun, realizing that he probably won’t be allowed a phone call, wants to find someone, one kind person, who might pass along a message to Kathy. In the morning, the four men are taken from Zeitoun’s cell. Relieved to have more room, he and Nasser don’t speak much, afraid that people are eavesdropping. Zeitoun thinks back to when he worked carrying oil on a tanker during the Iraq/Iran conflict in 1987. It had been dangerous to enter the Gulf of Oman, with both sides torpedoing ships. His ship, the Andromeda, was in the Gulf, and his bunk was just above the fuel tanks. That night, the ship was torpedoed twice. It hadn’t been enough to sink the ship, just enough to warn them. After that incident, Zeitoun decided that it was time to settle down, and a few months later, he landed in Houston, and then moved on the Baton Rouge, to Kathy.
The pain in Zeitoun’s side becomes even worse, it is almost debilitating. He again asks the nurse if he can see a doctor and she tells him to wait. He begins to think that the pain isn’t something that can be seen on an X-ray. Perhaps it was a result of sorrow. On Thursday, September 15, the nurse has him fill out another form, claiming that the doctor didn’t receive the first one. Later that day, he’s handcuffed and placed in a different cell, separated form Nasser completely. He thinks about Kathy and the life insurance policy, wondering if it will be enough. He also thinks about the others he was arrested with, and is angry at them for having money on them.
Zeitoun is finally able to go outside and speak with other prisoners. He learns of the injustice being faced by many people, and the communication breakdown with those in power. He is subjected to numerous strip searches; all the while the pain in his side is growing more acute. Zeitoun wonders why he brought this upon himself. He blames it all on his stubbornness, his insistence on believing that an Arab could be treated fairly in America. He also thinks that his blind faith, his belief that he was on a mission from God to help others, is the cause of his current misfortunes. He had reached too high, he had become too proud, and his actions had brought him to Hunt in the end.
On Sunday, Zeitoun sees a missionary passing out bibles, and wants somehow to tell the man about his plight. He takes a chance, telling the man that he’s innocent, and that he just needs to let his wife know he’s alive. Finally, the missionary relents and tears a piece of paper form one of the bibles. He takes down Zeitoun’s information and leaves quickly. On Monday, Zeitoun is brought to be interviewed by agents from the Department of Homeland Security. While waiting, he sees Nasser, Ronnie and Todd as well. The agents say nothing about terrorism, and apologize to Zeitoun for his situation. He asks them if they’ll call Kathy and they agree to.
The narrative then switches back to Kathy. It’s Monday, just after she’s received the phone call from the missionary. Kathy receives a call from the Department of Homeland Security telling her that Zeitoun is fine and that his charges will be dropped. Kathy rejoices and tells Yuko, then calls Hunt to find out more information. However, she’s told they have no one there by that name. Frantic, Kathy makes plans to go to New Orleans. When Yuko and Ahmaad dissuade her, she calls a family friend who is also a lawyer. The lawyer assures Kathy that, though the system is broken, they’ll get Zeitoun out of prison.
Kathy eventually hears from her lawyer, Raleigh, and he tells her that she should go to Baton Rouge. She stays with Adnan and Abeer in Baton Rouge while Raleigh works on freeing Zeitoun. Zeitoun, unaware of what Kathy and Raleigh are doing, meets with a public defender on Monday, September 26, to have his bail set by the court. The next day, September 27, Raleigh tells Kathy that they have a court date and that she needs to procure character witnesses for Zeitoun. When he hangs up, Kathy realizes that he didn’t tell her where the hearing would be, so she calls the District Attorney’s office and is told the information is private. Kathy breaks down at the fact that no one will help her when she’s so close to freeing Zeitoun. She calls CNN and tells them Zeitoun’s story. Raleigh eventually calls her back, apologizes, and tells her that the hearing will be at Hunt.
On Tuesday, September 27, Zeitoun meets with Raleigh, who explains what his options are. He can pay bail or try to put his property up as collateral. He opts to put the property up, as paying bail would mean paying the government for wrongly incarcerating him. On Wednesday, Kathy and the character witnesses arrive at Hunt, exhausted. Kathy and Zeitoun embrace, happy that their ordeal is almost over. After waiting for some time, Raleigh goes to check on what’s holding the hearing up and they learn that the hearing has been canceled. The only thing to do now is to obtain the deeds for their office building and use it as collateral.
Kathy and Adnan drive through the ruined streets of New Orleans. After being stopped by an officer, they eventually make it to the building, which has been destroyed by the flooding. After searching for some time, they are just about to give up when Kathy finds the papers she needs. Raleigh faxes the papers over but they’re told that the office has closed. Zeitoun will have to spend one more night in jail. Finally, on Thursday, September 29, Kathy and Adnan drive to Hunt. After waiting half the day, Zeitoun is brought out. Kathy notes how frail he looks. When she’s finally able to embrace him, she thinks his eyes seem defeated. The three drive away quickly, not wanting it to all be a dream.
The narrative returns to the day that the armed men barge into the house on Claiborne and is now mostly told from Zeitoun’s perspective. This switch in perspective works to demonstrate Zeitoun’s isolation, first from Kathy, and then from the rest of society when he’s put in prison.
These chapters offer the book’s most sustained critique of how Katrina was handled, as well as highlighting the religious intolerance and racism that characterized the media coverage of the disaster. Though Zeitoun is arrested on suspicion of looting, he’s referred to as Taliban and Al Qaeda; names which worry him as he always knew his beliefs and background might cause problems for him. At the same time, Eggers points to the mistreatment of African-Americans and the negative, even racist, depictions of them by the media. Zeitoun and Kathy later find out that he wasn’t arrested purely because of his race or his beliefs, and Eggers doesn’t say that the African-American men are arrested solely because of their race, but these reasons remain in the background. This, in turn, leaves the reader to speculate on the role that racial profiling played in the management of the disaster.
These chapters show a total breakdown of communication and the abuse of human rights that were often reported in the aftermath of Katrina. Something as simple as a phone call for a prisoner becomes an act of possible salvation, and basic rights such as the right to medical attention are not upheld. Eggers stresses the fact that all Zeitoun needed was one phone call to end his wrongful imprisonment, pointing to the disastrous consequences that the breakdown of systems of communication and order had for one individual.
During his time in prison, Zeitoun feels isolated and faces his own internal struggle with his beliefs. He wants so much to believe in the inherent goodness of man and yet when tested, man seems to fall short. This revelation, as well as the realization that he’s placed his family in their current position, is enough to cause Zeitoun so much heartache that he feels it as physical pain.
By Dave Eggers
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A Hologram for the King
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