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Jared, Josiah, and Denise arrange for Mae to start answering CircleSurveys. Through this new aspect of her job, she will become “one of the Circlers asked about her tastes, her preferences, her buying habits and plans, for use by the Circle’s clients” (228). Mae is expected to answer 500 survey questions per day. When she goes too long without responding to a survey question, a voice comes on in her headset that says, “Mae.” She successfully integrates the surveys into her shifts and receives compliments from her bosses. She appreciates that this additional work is helping keep her mind off Kalden, who still is not answering her calls. In her mind, his unavailability has gone from intriguing to disappointing. She decides that she needs to dismiss her lust for Kalden and instead find someone who is “available, familiar, locatable” (236).
Mae is answering well over 1,000 CircleSurvey questions per day. This helps her PartiRank, which is now within T2K, hovering in the 1,900s. On a Tuesday afternoon, Kalden appears in her office doorway. She waves and he waves back, but then he is gone. She gets up and tries to find him but has no luck. Upon returning to her desk, Francis is sitting in her chair. He apologizes, but she still finds him disgusting. He once again asserts that he cannot delete the video and that she shouldn’t worry because it is one of a billion clips in the cloud, meaning the chance of someone viewing it is incredibly remote.
More elected leaders are choosing to go transparent, and non-transparent politicians are facing backlash from constituents and pundits. While some concerned citizens argue the need for privacy, their voices are drowned out by the overwhelming societal push for full transparency. Those advocating for transparency ask: “If you [aren’t] operating in the light of day, what [are] you doing in the shadows?” (241). Now, whenever anyone publicly criticizes The Circle for being a monopoly or being a detriment to society, that person is outed as a disreputable deviant.
Following the success of making politicians go transparent, The Circle must now lead by example. It starts implementing measures to increase transparency on campus. Thousands of SeeChange cameras are installed across The Circle. When these cameras are activated, Mae realizes she is being watched by people from all over the world and is contacted by old friends from high school and college. She starts to adjust her behavior and appearance. Instead of feeling like the cameras are a violation of her privacy, she sees them as an opportunity “to influence global events, to save lives even, halfway across the world” (243).
A college friend contacts Mae asking her to join an initiative to support a Guatemalan woman who has been terrorized by paramilitary forces. Mae decides to add her name to the list of supporters despite her fear of potentially making enemies with the paramilitary members. She feels empowered knowing that thousands of SeeChange viewers are watching her take action for this cause.
Mae gets a call from Kalden. She meets him in the bathroom, and they have passionate sex, during which he repeatedly says her name. He exits, and she grabs her phone to take a picture of him before he disappears but only captures his arm. Gina trains Mae on a new “layer” of Circle duties, Conversation Rate and Retail Raw, which are used to measure a Circler’s influence on customers’ purchases. Gina makes comments that suggest she is jealous of Mae’s friendship with Annie.
A few nights later, Mae goes home to visit her parents. While preparing for dinner, her parents discuss all the ways that her father’s health has improved since they got on The Circle’s insurance. Above the dining room table, there is a chandelier that Mercer gave them for free. Mae then learns that her parents have invited Mercer to dinner, which disappoints her. He arrives, and Mae strongly praises the chandelier. She takes a picture of it and—without Mercer’s knowledge—posts it along with his contact information to numerous home design feeds.
At the dinner table, Mae’s phone buzzes constantly with zings that compliment Mercer’s chandelier. She shares this news, which upsets Mercer. He tells her to stop. However, Mae realizes that this kind of activity will greatly boost her PartiRank, and her attention becomes locked on her phone. By the time she looks up, Mercer has left. Mae stops him in the driveway, and Mercer expresses his anger toward Mae and The Circle. He considers her naïve for assuming the high-ups at The Circle have good intentions and thinks that her obsession with social media is destroying her humanity. Before leaving, he asks Mae if she’s aware of how boring she has become.
Mae, still incensed at Mercer’s insults, drives back home. On a whim, she decides to stop at Maiden’s Voyages to see if she can get a kayak, even though it is 10 pm. She finds that nobody is there. Outside the shop’s fenced-off area, she sees a kayak that has been left unreturned. After wavering, she decides to take it out. She paddles to a seldom-visited island, far out in the Bay, and climbs a short peak. Above her, there is a heavily trafficked bridge. She notes that no one on the bridge would have “the faintest idea of her existence” (271). She considers the geologic history of her surroundings, which millions of years ago were entirely underwater, “barely registered as ridges on the ocean floor” (272). While wondering what lives in the water below her, she manages to “take comfort in knowing she would not, and really could not, know much at all” (272).
Mae continues to take on new job responsibilities, making it clear that she still intends to ascend The Circle’s ladder despite engaging in some unsanctioned behavior on campus. As part of CircleSurveys, she regularly hears her own name spoken to her through the headset. While having sex with Kalden, he too repeats her name into her ear. This represents a desire to maintain her individuality while working at a company that puts the community first. As The Circle pushes its employees toward a group identity, it is noticeable to Mae when she hears her name, reminding her that she is still a unique individual. This dynamic highlights the tension of Authenticity and Humanity in the Digital Age.
The Dangers of Surveillance continue to emerge in this section. As more politicians go transparent, it seems as if they are doing so primarily out of fear; those who refuse all have dark secrets—real or manufactured—revealed about them. This hints at The Circle’s tyrannical quest for global power. It is through bullying rather than compassion that they are achieving their supposed goals to improve democracy and human rights. As the novel progresses, the genuineness of these goals continues to be called into question. Additionally, thousands of SeeChange cameras are installed on campus, though Mae does not see this as a privacy violation. She becomes excited by the possibility of extending her influence, suggesting that she—like higher-ups such as Stenton—is motivated by power. When she signs her name to the initiative in support of the Guatemalan woman, she feels as though she is making a significantly consequential decision despite taking little real action or putting herself in harm’s way. She fears making enemies but is motivated by the example she is setting for her viewers. However, this illustrates an overinflated sense of contribution to a cause. As often occurs on social media, users feel they have done their part by simply clicking a smile or a frown.
At her parents’ house, her interactions with Mercer escalate the tension between them. He continues to function as the novel’s counterweight to The Circle’s unyielding march toward domination. Her decision to post his chandelier and become absorbed in her phone at the dinner table emphasizes the gulf between the internet and real life—rather than interacting with the people in front of her, she prioritizes strangers online. By calling her boring, Mercer inadvertently compels Mae to take a spontaneous kayaking trip, breaking the law to take the kayak out without renting it. While out on the island, she reflects on how she is incapable of even coming close to knowing everything. By taking comfort in this thought, she has a moment of renewed humanity.
By Dave Eggers
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius
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A Hologram for the King
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Dave Eggers