69 pages • 2 hours read
C. S. LewisA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Why do you think Lewis chose the title “Mere Christianity” for this book? To what degree is it an apt summary of the book’s content?
What does Lewis mean by the phrase “Law of Nature”? And in what ways, if any, does this definition differ from other usages of this same phrase?
What is Pantheism, and how does Lewis distinguish it from Christianity?
What flaws does Lewis find with Dualism’s conception of good and evil?
Philosophers and theologians often discuss the relationship (or conflict) between science and religion. Consider Lewis’s views on this topic: does he see science as useful/valid in any respects? Is there anything that religion can offer that science cannot? What are your own thoughts regarding this subject?
Lewis sees morality as being made up of three parts. What are they, and how is each important?
What is the difference between the “cardinal” virtues and the “theological” virtues? Have any of these virtues been misunderstood or redefined over the years?
In Book 3, Chapter 12, Lewis refers to “Faith in the second sense, the higher sense.” How does this differ from faith as discussed in the preceding chapter?
Lewis states that, in marriage between man and woman, the man should act as the head of the household. What are Lewis’s reasons for holding this view? To what extent do you understand or agree with his reasoning?
Lewis believes that people often misunderstand the term “pride.” How does he define pride and why does he see it as having negative connotations?
By C. S. Lewis
A Grief Observed
C. S. Lewis
Out of the Silent Planet
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C. S. Lewis
Prince Caspian
C. S. Lewis
Surprised by Joy
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That Hideous Strength
C. S. Lewis
The Abolition of Man
C. S. Lewis
The Discarded Image
C. S. Lewis
The Four Loves
C. S. Lewis
The Great Divorce
C. S. Lewis
The Horse And His Boy
C. S. Lewis
The Last Battle
C. S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis
The Magician's Nephew
C. S. Lewis
The Pilgrim's Regress
C. S. Lewis
The Problem of Pain
C. S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis
The Silver Chair
C. S. Lewis
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C. S. Lewis
Till We Have Faces
C. S. Lewis